Projects / Two Houses, Clarkes Hill, Rochestown, Cork

Leafy suburban houses
These two detached five-bedroom, contemporary family homes are designed on a site in a busy leafy, residential suburb of Cork city.
These two detached five-bedroom, contemporary family homes are designed on a site in a busy leafy, residential suburb of Cork city.

Complementary designs
They are designed differently but with the same high quality palette of materials and elements so as to complement each other. Located on the site to maximize natural daylighting of the buildings, the plans minimise overlooking and provide well orientated outdoor garden spaces.
They are designed differently but with the same high quality palette of materials and elements so as to complement each other. Located on the site to maximize natural daylighting of the buildings, the plans minimise overlooking and provide well orientated outdoor garden spaces.

The elevations are designed to sit comfortably within this site surrounded by mature trees and stone walls, and the modeling and materials on the façades highlights specific areas and breaks down the scale of the houses.
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The elevations are designed to sit comfortably within this site surrounded by mature trees and stone walls, and the modeling and materials on the façades highlights specific areas and breaks down the scale of the houses.
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